About Us

BEAT is a dynamic, forward thinking charity, working actively with its local community to take up the environmental challenge. Working with individuals, schools, businesses and other organisations, we deliver innovative and practical environmental projects which work towards a sustainable future.

BEAT also provide a consultancy service in the following areas

Woodland Creation / Management

School grounds and green space creation

Waste and Recycling

Energy efficiency


For our current projects please follow the links

BEAT history

Bradford Environmental Action Trust (BEAT) originated as a discussion forum in the early 1990s as a response to the council’s Local Agenda 21. In 1995 a group of volunteers set up a woodland group to plant trees in the area which they grew from seed. This group went on to become the Forest of Bradford project.

BEAT became a charity and registered company in 1997 and began to distribute landfill tax credits on behalf of the council also setting up the Bradford Waste forum. This brought together institutions, businesses and other organisations to discuss how they could work together to reduce rubbish and improve the local environment in the district.

In 2000, BEAT undertook to commit resources from the landfill tax credits scheme to a real nappy initiative for Bradford District with the aim of making a significant impact on nappy waste.

From this time, BEAT has gone on to run various environmental projects such as a food waste collection scheme for composting, a business waste exchange website and various energy projects. One of these is to facilitate energy saving in community organisations through a package of support including training, exchange visits, support materials, advice and audits. Today, the Forest of Bradford project is still going strong and has planted 500,000 trees across the district. The Real Nappy Project is also still running and has distributed 1,100 incentive kits to new parents in the Bradford district.

Registered Charity No. 1068903