How can tree planting help?
Trees intercept rainfall and slow the rate of run-off, which helps prevent flash flooding. Trees absorb water from the soil increasing its capacity to hold and retain more rainfall. Their roots bind soil that may otherwise be lost to erosion and therefore reduce the chances of flooding.
In the longer term the trees ability to act as a carbon sink will help reduce greenhouse gases warming up the atmosphere and therefore reduce severe weather patterns affecting our district.
How does the Forest of Bradford Climate offset Programme work?
For every ton (1000kgs) of CO2 produced as a result of domestic / business energy use or burning of fossil fuels for travel, Forest of Bradford will plant five native broadleaved trees at a cost of between £5 and £10 per tree (depending on the quantity).
The figure reflects the cost of the tree, protective guards, associated fencing and a three year maintenance programme.
We encourage donors to come along and help plant their tree on our community tree planting days, or we will carry it out on their behalf. A certificate will be sent to those contributing towards our climate offset scheme.
Earlier this year Forest of Bradford planted 6500 trees near Keighley as part of a climate offset scheme. Planting contributes to district biodiversity targets and creates a cleaner healthier atmosphere for us to live in.
Forest of Bradford climate change programme is a not for profit scheme delivering direct action on climate change in our local environment.
It’s simple: Calculate your carbon footprint using one of the two approved calculators by clicking the links above, then get in contact with us and we’ll plant the required number of trees to offset your CO2 and help improve your local environment.
For further information or to obtain a quote contact:
Ian Butterfield
Tel: 01274 487270